Other Schools

Ranaghat Simurali Krsnanagar Salsalabari Natabari Baneshwar Garia

Ranaghat Didi Ananda Svarupa is the school principal. The school is in a small village near Rainagar two and a half hours from Kolkata. There are around 5,000 people in the village; they are all very poor agricultural laborers. The children look somewhat malnourished.The school has no phone.

There are 72 children in the school ranging from ages 1 - 10. The children are taught English. There are four teachers plus the principal who also teaches. The schools income does not cover its expenses. Although the tuition is less than $1 per month, many children cannot pay, or pay late. There is one big hall, with no partitions. The school could use a painted stand for water bottles and shoe shelves as well as more tables and chairs.

There is need for electricity in the new school building, plastering of the outside of the school and the verandah, grills for the verandah, and new windows for the classroom. There is also a need for a boundary wall for safety.
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Simurali Didi Nitishudha is the school principal. Kolkata, 2 hours away, is the closest large city to this school. There is no phone or electricity. Didi, the principal, needs a brick house. She is living in a bamboo hut with three rooms. There are 20 students ranging from ages 4 - 9, and 2 other teachers. They are teaching English. More children would enroll if there was a proper house.
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KrsnanagarKrsnanagar is a small town 3 hours from Kolkata. Didi Taponistha is the principal. There are two adults living at the school with two children. There are presently 37 children in the school. Although they are teaching English, the 3 teachers don't speak much English.

The school is in an urban area with no phone but there is electricity. Didi wants to build another room for hostel/orphanage children A cupboard is needed for supplies.
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Salsalabari Didi Soma is the school principal. This small school has been running in a rented building for 20-25 years. The school is in a rural area with thatched houses; the van pullers are low class labourers. Didi would like to get a piece of land and build her own school as she feels the school will not develop till she does. There are presently 31 children.

Electricity is uncertain and there are frequent power cuts. As the children do not pay regularly, so there is hardly enough income to pay the teachers. The classroom is one long hall partitioned into 3 rooms. There is a principal's office and a small play area outside.
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Natabari Didi Ananda Kalyani is the school principal. Natabari is a small isolated village 25 minutes from Alipooduar by bus. Cooch Bihar is an hour away.

The school has been running for 5-6 years. There are presently 25 students. Although English is taught, the teachers, as well as Didi, do not speak English well. The school has one long hall which can be divided into 3 classrooms with dividers, a personal room, two incomplete side rooms, one for office and one for a kitchen, a large garden for playing, and toilet cum bathroom.

There is no electricity and the school needs painting. She needs a grill on the verandah and the two small rooms at the front of the school that she wishes to use as a school office and kitchen. A boundary fence is also needed, as well as partitions for dividing the room into classrooms.

Because the children don't pay regularly, it is difficult to pay the teachers regularly. If there was a school van, more children would attend the school.
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Baneshwar Didi Muktashree is the school principal. The school has been running for almost three years. Baneshwar is a village 20 minutes from Cooch Bohar by bus. It is a very poor area depending mainly on agriculture. Didi has no phone. Internet is available in Cooch Behar. The school teaches English. There are presently 28 students.

The height of the front boundary needs to be increased. There is no school bathroom. The school needs a signboard and bigger gate. There school does not bring in enough money to cover DidiÕs basic needs.
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Garia Garia is a suburb of Calcutta with a lot of poor people living there. There are 50 children in the school. The school has a music, dance and art program and a big garden for the children to play in.

At the project there are 2 adults, 5 home child, 14 hostel children. They need to build a room for the hostel children to sleep in on the roof, as now they are sleeping in the classrooms downstairs.
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